


B5h 09h - Get or Set Device Configuration or Status (Get Solar Data)

The Get Device Configuration or Status command is used for requesting specific data from other eBus devices. It is used by vrDialog software to read and display device configuration and status data on the screen, or set device parameters. Each device has a number of parameters that can be read or set using this command.

Block 0Dh - Read device configuration or status parameters

Master/ Slave Byte-No. Abbrev. Description Unit Range Type/ [Res.] Repl. Value Note
M1 QQ Source address
M2 ZZ Target address ECh, 10h (room controller), 15h (burner)
M3 PB = B5h Vaillant command
M4 SB = 09h Get or Set Device Configuration or Status
M5 NN = 03h Length of data
M6 DB = 0Dh Block 0Dh: Read device configuration or parameters
M7 P1 = xx1h Low byte of parameter address

00h: water basin 1]
01h: water basin 2
02h: water basin 3
03h: Collector 1
04h: Collector 2
05h: Gain

For Solar devices:

Kol2 / VF1[1]

For other devices there are different address values (see below)

M8 P2 = xx2h High byte of parameter address

Parameter 2
High byte of parameter address
S2 NN = 03h Length of data Response depends on requested parameter type (see below)
S3 D_L Sensor Value DATA2c

S4 D_H
S5 00h
sensor connected
no sensor connected

[1] auroMATIC 620

The 0Dh command seems to be implemented by all Vaillant eBus devices. vrDialog application includes a file vrDIALOG810.mdb, that contains MS Access database used internally by vrDialog. This database can be accessed in order to read different configuration parameters for different supported types of Vaillant eBus devices. For example, using this database for VRT360, it the following command can be executed:

select, type, address from ShowData, SymList where ='VRT360' and = ShowData.varid and accesslevel < 50 order by ShowData.sortid

This results in:

Name Type Address
RaumtemperaturIst Temperatursensor15
ActualRoomTempSetpoint TIte87
StatusDcf DcfState 38
IsInQuickVeto OnOff 49
QuickVetoTemp TIte50
IsInSavingsFunction OnOff 44
SavingsFunctionTime SaveFunction 45
IsInParty OnOff 41
IsInSingleDHWLoadingMode OnOff 42
IsInHoliday uchar40

The Address column needs to be passed as P1 and P2 parameters to the 0Dh command. The Type column determines the type of the response from the device. The response length will depend on that (S2 byte in the response).

Here is a captured communication between vrDialog and VRT360:

FF 15 B5 09 03 0D 0F 00 67 00 03 57 01 00 3A 00

  • FF - vrDialog Master address (vrDialog identifies itself as FFh)
  • 15 - VR360 slave address
  • B5 09 - Vaillant command B509
  • 03 - data length
  • 0D - command 0Dh
  • 0F - requested address low byte (0F → 15 in the table above, which means „RaumtemperaturIst“ - actual room temperature)
  • 00 - requested address high byte
  • 67 - CRC
  • 00 - slave ACK
  • 03 - slave response length - 3 bytes
  • 57 - response temperature low byte
  • 01 - response temperature high byte. Actual reported temperature is 157h/16 → 21.43 Celsius
  • 00 - temperature sensor status - 00h - OK. According to vrDialog810.mdb, sensor status is defined as follows: „struct {Data2c Temperature; State

SensorState } Sensor state is defined : State „Ok,Short circuit=85,cutoff=170“

Block 0Eh - Set device configuration

Master/ Slave Byte-No. Abbrev. Description Unit Range Type/ [Res.] Repl. Value Note
M1 QQ Source address
M2 ZZ Target address ECh, 10h (room controller), 15h (burner)
M3 PB = B5h Vaillant command
M4 SB = 09h Get or Set Device Configuration or Status
M5 NN = XXh Length of data, variable depends on type of parameter that is being set
M6 DB = 0Eh Block 0Eh: Set device configuration
M7 P1 = xx1h Low byte of parameter address This is low byte of parameter address. It is set in the same way as command 0Dh (above)
M8 P2 = xx2h High byte of parameter address

Parameter 2
High byte of parameter address
M9…MXX Data that is being written as device parameter. The length of the data depends on type of variable being modified. The length is the same as the length of data returned from 0Dh command (see above)
S2 00h - length

This command works in a similar way as 0Dh, but instead of returning configuration from the device, it sets device configuration.

Block 18h - Unknown

Master/ Slave Byte-No. Abbrev. Description Unit Range Type/ [Res.] Repl. Value Note
M1 QQ Source address 10h
M2 ZZ Target address 26h
M3 PB = B5h Vaillant command B5h
M4 SB = 09h Get Solar Data Block 09h
M5 NN = 01h Length of data 01h
M6 DB = 18h
Block 18h 18h
M7 CRC 3Fh
S1 ACK 00h
S2 NN = 0Ah Length of data 0Ah
S3 00h
S4 00h
S5 00h
S6 00h
S7 00h
S8 00h
S9 00h
S10 00h
S11 00h
S12 00h
S13 CRC 9Fh
M8 ACK 00h

ebus/serviceb509.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/10/14 20:08 (Externe Bearbeitung)